Adventure Escape: Dark Ruins

Haiku’s game named Adventure Escape: Dark Ruins has about 500 000 players on Android and iOS!

We are really proud that we’ve joined a team behind the popular Adventure Escape series. Games of that series have milions of downloads on Google Play and AppStore.

As programmers we were responsible for coding all the logic in the game. We’ve used a framework that Haiku built for their previous games. Very nice framework for HOPA games by the way. They made their previous games using the plugin for visual scripting called PlayMaker so we just jumped in, learned a little bit (we were already familiar with the plugin but have not mastered it before this project), and did what we do best – helped to make a great mobile game :)

Adventure Escape: Dark Ruins - game logic using PlayMaker plugin. Cooperation with Haiku's design team.


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